Speaking in terms of Vengeance, it is for the players who fancy Tanking, as it provides an interesting combo of both damage reduction and healing. Apart from that, since your AOE is connected to cooldowns, it can disrupt the sustainable damage output. However, it’s not always useful since Havoc relies upon Critical Strikes to fuel DPS, and that can be kind of inconsistent. It permits single-target burst damage while providing great mobility and versatile cooldowns for any situation that you face. Basically, Havoc is the best option to go for in PVP scenarios, as well as if you’re trying to top-off the damage charts in raids.
To put it in simple terms, Havoc is for DPS specialized players while Vengeance is for players who are specialized in Tanking. The Two Distinctive Demon Hunter Specialization Trees: Havoc and Vengeance We will also be covering every angle possible for the Demon Hunters to gain a proper insight into the most optimal build for your character. That’s the primary reason why we had taken it upon our shoulders to provide the answer.
Ever since the revealing of DHs before the launch of the Legion expansion, players have been wondering which is the best build for Demon Hunters. This is undoubtedly the most sought-after question in the World of Warcraft platform.