The structure of the game is your classic Mega Man affair.
This system does encourage fast progression, but at times feels intrusive if you are more methodical like myself. Absorbing enemies do give you power ups to temporarily increase speed, power, defense and fill up a healing item. The game focuses on absorbing weakened enemies and chaining that into combos. No upgrades, no charge shot, no wall jumping and no killing enemies. 9 in the first place anyway right? The game plays like Mega Man X with a few things stripped back. The story is just a window dressing and kinda gets in the way. The only time the story gets interesting is in the DLC, but that's for another paragraph of the review. The story is pretty much a rehash of previous Mega Man games cobbled together and run through mad libs. Like the game it's desperately trying to ape, the story is simple and takes a back seat for the action. Well the story isn't ground breaking that's for sure. Now I'm a casual Mega Man player and I didn't back this game on Kickstarter, so how do I as a non bias player feel about this game? This game has managed to get people to now be extremely cautious when it comes to Kickstarter and it's backers are understandably upset about how they were sold French Cuisine and got got a Mc Donalds value meal instead. 9 is drawing in controversy and hatred along with a heaping helping of disappointment.